Early Career Group

IASP Early Career Group Seeks Six New Co-Chairs

Professor Olivia Kirtley, Dr Tiago Zortea, and Dr Caroline Daly, are stepping down as co-chairs of the Early Career Group (ECG) and the IASP Executive Committee would like to thank them for their dedication, commitment and energy leading this group over the last ten years. Their leadership has been instrumental in shaping the ECG into a global and inclusive community that champions the voices and contributions of early-career researchers.

Under their guidance, the group has brought innovation and achieved many milestones, including introducing Registered Reports to Crisis journal; running a task force focused on the well-being of early-career researchers; organising innovative events such as hackathons and the now renowned Pecha Kucha event; and strengthening early-career representation across IASP events and conferences. 

These activities not only showcase the talents of early-career researchers but cultivate a sense of camaraderie and connection that is essential for professional growth, as well as ensuring that early career researchers voices are heard and valued.

In alignment with the co-chairs vision for the global reach of the ECG, the International Association for Suicide Prevention’s (IASP) is now recruiting six new co-chairs to represent each of the six World Health Organisation’s (WHO) regions: Europe, Africa, Eastern Mediterranean, South-East Asia, Western Pacific, and the Americas. This new leadership structure aims to enhance the ECG’s global reach, allowing for more effective coordination of activities across time zones and regions.

The ECG plays a vital role in fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among early-career professionals working in the field of suicide prevention. It provides a platform for researchers, clinicians, and professionals to connect with peers and experts worldwide, promoting international research and interventions. With around 115 members across 33 countries, the ECG is an active and growing community within IASP.

The new co-chairs will take on various responsibilities, including connecting with members in their regions, organising events, contributing articles to the IASP newsletter, and coordinating conference activities. Additionally, they will have opportunities to work with Special Interest Group (SIG) chairs and initiate projects that advance the goals of the ECG.

Interested candidates must be Early Career Group members and submit their applications by 17th November, indicating their region, country, and a brief statement outlining would bring to the role.

Membership to the ECG is free to all current IASP members. Current undergraduate, postgraduate, masters, PhD students, postdoctoral students or resident medical students who are not current IASP members can also join our ECG as Student Associates for a period of two years.  

For more information and to apply, please email membershipandevents@iasp.info.

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