Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Centre for Suicide Research at Oxford University. For more than forty years he and his research group have been conducting investigations concerning the causes, treatment, prevention and outcome of suicidal behaviour. He has published more than 500 papers and chapters and 15 books. He has received the Stengel Research Award from the International Association for Suicide Prevention (1995), the Dublin Career Research Award from the American Association of Suicidology (2000), the Research Award of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (2002), a Life Achievement Award presented at the European Symposium of Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour (2012), the Morselli Medal from the International Association of Suicide Research, Montreal (2013) and the Finnish Psychiatric Association Medal (2014). He is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Professor Hawton has a particular interest in epidemiology and clinical management of self-harm, suicide and self-harm in adolescents, media influences on self-harm and evaluation of suicide prevention initiatives.

Professor Keith Hawton