In August, IASP organised a Partnerships for Life Pre-Conference Workshop at the 20th European Symposium on Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour in Rome.
New paper focuses on the key priorities for suicide prevention in the Southeast Asian region
A new paper titled “Key Priorities, Challenges, Strengths, and Opportunities for Suicide Prevention in Southeast Asia” has been published on the Asian Journal of Psychiatry.
Partnerships for Life at the IASP 11th Asia Pacific Conference 2024
In June 2024, Partnerships for Life held a pre-conference workshop at the IASP 11th Asia Pacific Conference in Bangkok.
Partnerships for Life South East Asia Workshop Report
In February 2024, Partnerships for Life held its first South East Asian training workshop. The two-day workshop was led by regional co-coordinators, Dr Anish Cherian and Professor Vikas Menon.
Summary Report of the Partnerships for Life European Region
Partnerships for Life (PfL) launched its first series of workshops on national suicide prevention strategies in the European region in November 2022. Four workshops, led by Prof. Thomas Niederkrotenthaler (PfL Europe Regional Coordinator) with the support of Prof. Steve Platt (PfL Steering Committee Chair), were delivered in November 2022, February […]
Growing Momentum for the Development of National Suicide Prevention Strategies: A Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada
National suicide prevention strategies aim to establish a coordinated and sustained multi-sectoral approach to the prevention of suicide, yet only around 40 countries currently have a formalised national strategy to reduce suicides.
President’s Message
I am delighted to share some of the top highlights and initiatives that have defined our journey at the International Association for Suicide Prevention over the past three months.
IASP Policy Position on National Suicide Prevention Strategies
In September 2023, the IASP Membership ratified a Policy Position recommending that every country should adopt, or make progress towards the adoption of a national suicide prevention strategy aimed at reducing rates of suicidal behaviour.
#IASPPIRAN2023 ECR Daily Blog – Opening Ceremony & Day 2
It was so exciting to be a part of this community of academics, researchers, clinicians, crisis workers, lived experience, and volunteers from different countries all around the world.