Support us
Our actions, no matter how big or small, may provide hope to those who are struggling. Your donation will go towards our efforts to prevent suicide and alleviating its effects.
Your support will directly contribute to our work in suicide prevention:
- Increasing awareness about suicide prevention and reducing stigma.
- Supporting research and innovation in the field of suicide prevention.
- Helping develop and enact evidence-based interventions.
- Facilitating critical discussions on suicide prevention strategies.
- Developing a network for individuals and organisations involved in suicide prevention.
Fundraising Online
Harness the power of social media and transform likes and shares into support for suicide prevention by creating an online fundraiser. Fundraising is one of the easiest and most effective ways to raise funds for your chosen cause.
Start your social media fundraising journey today:
Fundraising Events
Set yourself a personal challenge, take part in a virtual event or organise your own. Join our supporters who fundraise for us to raise awareness of suicide prevention each year.
Leaving a legacy donation to the International Association for Suicide Prevention is a poignant and powerful way to make a lasting, positive impact.
Whether you want to leave a legacy donation in memory of your loved one or you want to champion a cause that was dear to your heart, your legacy can create lasting change.
Your gift can help reduce the stigma surrounding suicide and open doors to understanding. Create a legacy of hope.
You can make a legacy donation online, or by sending in a cheque made payable to; The International Association for Suicide Prevention, 6218 Georgia Avenue NW Suite, #1 PMB 3024, Washington DC, 20011, USA. If there’s anything you need help with, please email us at communications@iasp.info.