IASP Early Career Group
The Early Career Group (ECG) provides a forum where group members can network with peers and experts alike, engaging in international research and interventions in the area of suicide prevention. Early career researchers, clinicians, healthcare and related professionals play a key role in suicide prevention and the activities of IASP. Furthermore, the ECG community will contribute to the sustainability and effectiveness of suicide prevention strategy and action in the future.

Objectives of the Early Career Group:
- Encourage and provide a platform for knowledge exchange between ECG members and experts in suicidology.
- Encourage and develop collaboration and networking between members nationally and internationally.
- Provide information to members on available career-related opportunities, including jobs, conferences and funding.
- Actively participate at IASP and other conferences in the area of suicide prevention.
- Connect group members with Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in their area of interest.

What We Do
We endeavour to engage with other early career persons to provide them with:
- A mailout with news on IASP activities and upcoming events well as announcements on upcoming conferences and available funding or job opportunities.
- A periodic edition of our ECG newsletter-Engage.
- The unique opportunity to work with and support an SIG Chair as an SIG Assistant.
- The opportunity to contribute to ongoing task-specific pieces of work by the group.
- The opportunity to contribute to the IASP ECG newsletter and mailouts.
- A forum for colleagues and peers to network with each other and experts in the area.
How do we do it?
If you join our group we will connect with you via our e-newsletter, our regular mail outs to all members, our work with SIG Chairs and our webinars with experts in the area of suicide prevention as well as social media.
About Us
The Early Career Group is operated by eleven co-chairs – Representing regions across Africa, Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, the Americas, and the Western Pacific. The co-chairs will ensure that diverse voices from around the world contribute to advancing suicide prevention efforts.