Dr Vita Postuvan
Co-Chair Zone 1

Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan, PhD in Psychology works as a researcher and Deputy Head of the Slovene Center for Suicide Research (UP IAM) and Department of Psychology (FAMNIT), University of Primorska, Slovenia. She leads the work related to clinical research and public-health interventions in suicidology, bereavement, crisis interventions and mindfulness-based approaches. Since 2012 she has been co-hosting the annual international conference Intuition – Imagination – Innovation in Suicidology (Triple I). Besides, she participated as well as organised other national and international scientific events and published articles and chapters in recognised journals and books in the fields of psychology, medicine, ethics and suicidology. Vita has been involved in national and international projects, professional groups and associations and has wide-ranging experiences in working abroad (Austria, Japan, China, India). Additionally to her academic engagement, she is CBT trained and works as a counselling psychologist. She is a member of the National unit for psychological support within the Civil Protection of Republic of Slovenia responsible for disaster relief programmes.  

Vita has been actively involved in IASP’s activities. Currently, she is a co-chair of SIG Postvention and bereavement and also a national representative of Slovenia. During the last years, she has delivered international gatekeepers workshops organised by IASP. Vita believes IASP is one of the main global driving forces in suicide prevention and research and its role should be further developed. In line with that, she perceives the Treasurer’s responsibility to ensure (together with other members of EC) the solvency of IASP and so to contribute to its sustainability, credibility and professional reputation. We especially need these in the challenging pandemic circumstances of today. Vita feels honoured to be considered for the role. 

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