
Suicide in Women and Girls

Suicide is a public health issue that affects individuals, families, workplaces and communities the world over. More than 700,000 people die by suicide every year, with over 75% of suicides occurring in low and middle-income countries. It remains a universal challenge with millions impacted by suicidal behaviour. 

Suicidal behaviour in women and girls can be attributed to multiple factors that vary from men due to differing societal roles and social constructs. Gender-related vulnerabilities such as gender-based violence, for example, are more prevalent in females.¹  In addition, some sub-groups of the female population are at greater risk than others eg, queer and indigenous women. Other considerations may appear to be more or less prevalent depending on the region, country or local context. (eg arranged marriage or homelessness).

IASP has established a Suicide in Women and Girls Taskforce to work to understand data trends, influencing factors and effective interventions around female suicidal behaviour to encourage the development of evidence-based, evaluated approaches and interventions to preventing suicide in women and younger girls. The taskforce consists of expertise from across the globe, from related research communities, lived experience and minority and vulnerable groups.

Vijayakumar, L. Suicide in Women. Indian J Psychiatry (2015). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4539867/


To understand data trends, influencing factors and effective interventions around female suicidal behaviour. 


  • To review existing interventions and conduct a needs assessment to identify gaps and opportunities in addressing female suicidal behaviour. 
  • Explore data and learn from existing research. 
  • Provide expertise and guidance on research gaps, considerations and priorities to strengthen the breadth of research and evidence-based interventions on this topic. 
  • Explore existing evidence-based interventions. 


Lakshmi Vijayakumar
Dr Lakshmi Vijayakumar

Founder of SNEHA, India

Jo Robinson
Professor Jo Robinson

Head of Suicide Research, Orygen, Australia

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