As the sun sets on the closing of an incredibly hopeful and life-affirming Sydney World Pride, LGBTQA+ people continue to face increased risks of experiencing poor mental health, self-harm and suicidal behaviours.
Special Interest Group: Lived Experience
It is common for people with a lived experience of suicide to experience heightened emotions surrounding their lived experience of bereavement, their own suicidality or being a carer, at times of hardship, uncertainty and challenge.
New Initiative to Increase Information Sharing Across Helplines
The IASP Helplines Best Practices Special Interest Group (SIG) was established to facilitate the exchange of information and research across helpline services.
Regional suicide prevention networks: launch of a new initiative
IASP and the World Health Organization (WHO) recognise the need to encourage and support countries to develop, implement and evaluate national suicide prevention strategies.
Boys and Men
What 2020 has brought to the surface is the fragility of our mental health. And no one is immune. We’re seeing a decommissioning of the age-old stigma around mental health that perpetuates an ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ mentality, and instead witnessing how experiencing stress and anxiety is more the norm, a reflection of our common humanity, than an exception. It’s the great equaliser.