IASP’s virtual cycling event, Cycle Around the Globe, is back for the eighth year running, to raise awareness of suicide prevention worldwide.
WHO Live Life Implementation Guide on Suicide Prevention
On June 17th 2021, the World Health Organisation (WHO) launched the Live Life Implementation Guide. This resource has been developed for the purpose of supporting countries in their efforts to prevent suicide by means of implementing effective interventions to save lives.
When It Is Darkest: Review
When It Is Darkest: Why People Die By Suicide is an incredible resource, which combines personal anecdotes and research in a poignant and sensitive way.
Launch of Pecha-Kucha Event at 31st World Congress
At the 31st IASP World Congress held at the Gold Coast in September we are launching a series of exciting events designed to put Early Career Researchers in the spotlight.
The IASP 31st World Congress Partners with Australia’s National Mental Health Commission
The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) will be partnering with Australia’s National Mental Health Commission for the IASP 31st World Congress to be held in Gold Coast, Australia in September this year.
Regional suicide prevention networks: launch of a new initiative
IASP and the World Health Organization (WHO) recognise the need to encourage and support countries to develop, implement and evaluate national suicide prevention strategies.
MENTUPP launches its Pilot Study
The EU-funded “Mental Health Promotion and Intervention in Occupational Settings” project, known as MENTUPP, has just launched its Pilot Study to test its newly developed Hub.
74th World Health Assembly
The 74th World Health Assembly is currently underway and will run from 24th May – 1st June 2021.
Co-Chairs of the National & Regional Representatives
An update from the co-chairs of National and Regional Representatives of IASP, from Ghana and Uruguay.