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Webinar: How to help someone who is suicidal


The theme of World Suicide Prevention Day this year is ‘Changing the narrative around suicide’, so we’re going to set about changing the part of the old narrative that says suicide shouldn’t be talked about. Because talking about suicide is how we help prevent it. By the end of this […]

Start the conversation – Suicide Prevention 2024!


More than 700,000 take their own life each year. Suicide is a serious but preventable challenge with lasting impact on individuals, families and communities. There are many reasons why people take their own life - the reasons and risk factors are complex but help is at hand. This World Suicide […]

Changing the Narrative: How we can Reshape Public Discourse about Suicide to Save Lives


The World Health Organization lists interacting with the media on responsible reporting as one of four key, evidence-based strategies for preventing suicide at a population level. This recommendation arises from what is now a rich body of literature describing the Werther and Papageno effects. The theory underpinning these effects is […]

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